
Monday, March 23, 2015

The fantastic MISTI =)

I received my MISTI the other day and played around with it...HOLY SMOKES!!! It's so awesome!! I love it!! No, I mean I SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!! How did I go so long without it? Now I see what everyone has been talking about!! LOL It's great for everyday stamping. You just can't stamp wrong with it!! I won't be using my Stamp-a-ma-jig or my acrylic blocks as often as I used to, that's for sure!! =)

Well, I need to finish waking up and get a package from my shop ready to ship. Take care and have a beautiful day!!!

If you are interested in getting your own MISTI: My Sweet Petunia.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

My Pink Floyd moment...

So this morning when I got up to let my chickens rooster started chasing a couple of the girls around (this is routine) and I said to him "Hey rooster...leave them chicks alone". As soon as it came out of my mouth I realized what I said. LMAO I had my very own Pink Floyd moment. I giggled all the way back into the house. HAHA

I'm waiting ever so patiently for my MISTI (trying anyway!). My order is still being processed. I'm so excited, I almost pee myself everytime I think about it!!! =)

I am still working on getting my stamps reorganized into pockets. I am going to get the last of them finished up today and get the media shelf moved out of my craft room. It's literally standing in the middle of the room off to the side. LOL I've been moving some stuff around as well, still working on how I want the pockets organized. I have also been organizing my dies into the same pockets and remembered yesterday that I still have quite a few smaller dies stored in baseball card page protectors.  >.<

First, I have some dishes to do....

Friday, March 13, 2015


I just ordered mine!!! Happy, happy early birthday to meeeee!  :D

MISTI (Most Incredible Stamp Tool Invented)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daylight savings didn't save me anything. =/

Today has been kinda strange...was hard to get going because of the time change. I really hate daylight savings and wish they would do away with it. It's been really nice here in the 70's so hubby and I got some yard work done. We're getting the garden boxes prepped for planting. =) I love picking fresh veggies from the garden and last year we did our first canning. We plan on doing more this year. My celery I've been growing all winter is looking big and awesome! I know you can buy it cheap...but I was thinking that my chickens would like it. Well, it's the only thing that they've not gotten into and torn up so now it's all mine, mine, mine! HAHA We are also on a mission to get all of our patio plants out of pots and into the ground. Only a couple of them will stay in pots. I just want them all off my patio. My patio is always a mess...but I think it's just all the clutter! So off with the pots! =)

I'm working on a set of new cards. I'm using one of my favorite rubber stamps. It's a super cute fox that I picked up at Stamper's Corner in Elk Grove. I probably paid too much for it but I couldn't bear to put it back on the shelf. Total impulse buy, right? :b I have spent the last couple weeks reorganizing my rubber stamps into pockets. I wish I had done this from the beginning instead of fooling with the CD storage method. Thank you, Jennifer McQuire. =) I had to pick up a new bookshelf for the new storage, but I like it a lot better and now I can store some other stuff on the shelf that I couldn't fit on the media shelf with the CDs. Also a couple of the media shelves were stationary and that really bugged me.

Anyway, I didn't mean to write this long, I need to get my rear in gear and get started on my lasagna and deviled eggs. Will post again in a couple days. Take care!