
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

TW is wearing a new dress!

I have been working on this theme all day! I just finished the flavicon to match the background. It feels all fresh and new. Hopefully tmw I won't have this huge headache I've been fighting since I woke up and I can get my links cleaned up. I'm so excited!! =) YAY ME!! Almost there...I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. LOL!

Friday, February 15, 2019

So I finally just went for it. :b

I just finished moving all my blog posts MANUALLY from Wordpress because Blogger for some reason didn't want to import my blog posts. It's taken me about an hour and a half total but worth it to have my blog intact. I'll be eventually switching to another layout. I really don't like this one that I've been using but I loaded it up when I started my blog back in 2009. Wow, has it really been that long? Not very many posts since starting, huh? :b

Anyway, just a quick update. I won't be duplicating my blog posts on Wordpress. I'll be posting that I've moved back here in case there was anyone actually following me. HAHAHA!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thinking about moving...

Happy new year! Welcome to 2019. It's been a while...surprised? LOL

I have been considering for a while now about moving back to Blogger. I just don't feel like I fit in here at Wordpress. I think that might be why I have not logged in or written a blog post in forever!! I might login to both sites and re-evaluate. In any case, I would like to start blogging again.

Note: This post was originally written at my blog @Wordpress.